recognizing employees during covid-19

At the very core of our humanity is our care for one another. Heartfelt appreciation provides sustenance for another day, especially in turbulent times.
— Dana Ullom-Vucelich

In the middle of a global pandemic, how do we provide that “sustenance for another day” in our day-to-day roles as leaders and employers? What, if anything, should be different about how we lead during these unprecedented times? How can we connect and show appreciation to our employees during these unique times? 

In the absence of recognition tools such as physical events and appreciation weeks, recognizing employees in a remote workforce can leave employers feeling stuck. Employees may be feeling isolated and disoriented during these times, adjusting to working from home and establishing a new form of work-life balance. A great deal of employees are working harder than ever as they navigate through these unprecedented times. It may seem obvious that showing appreciation and recognition for employees is perhaps more important than ever. When employees and their work are appreciated and valued, satisfaction and productivity typically rise, and they are motivated to maintain or improve their good work. There are many ways employers can show appreciation from bonuses and gifts to simple acknowledgments like e-cards, emails, calling out employees for their hard work during online team meetings and simply saying thank you. At Andrew Watson Design, we can offer a custom, creative solutions for recognizing employee contributions in a way that is meaningful. We specialize in designing and hand crafting employee recognition plaques, awards and trophies. All of our awards are made in-house, in our boutique design studio. 

Above, we have two examples of awards created for employee recognition during Covid-19. The awards designed and handcrafted for Trucking’s Frontline Heroes were awarded to trucking companies that delivered essential items during Covid-19. Award recipients were appropriately called “Covid Heroes”. Our team was very proud to be involved in designing and crafting these awards. Thank you Covid Heroes!

The Verizon Media Hack from Home 2020 awards were designed and handcrafted at Andrew Watson Design. These awards recognized the contributions of employees who were working from home. A beautiful, modern award that would sit perfectly on any employees desk to remind them of their meaningful contributions.