bcit 50 year anniversary awards — watson design

bcit 50 year anniversary awards

We were commissioned to create the awards for the 2014 BCIT 50th year anniversary awards ceremony. The above is the final product, a modern award that reflects the clients branding and event theme. 

As designers, we do not create our products to simply 'look pretty'. Yes the end result may be pretty but, our role as your award designer is to respond to a brief. And that brief is what we use to design your awards. The design is usually a reflection of a brand, event theme and/or specific communication goals. 

Our approach in the creation of your awards is unlike anyone else's in the trophy/awards industry; we are designers (not trophy shop operators) and have a deep understanding of branding and 'physical branding'. This allows us to create unique, meaningful and beautiful awards and trophies for our clients. 
